Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Proud to be a surfer.....

When I come across people/surfers who actually have the deepest love for surfing & bring that across in their work or makes me that much more proud to call myself a life long surfer. Nathan Oldfield is one of these people. I first came across Nathan's work in form of a film short called 'Making Noleni'. As I viewed it, I could tell there was more going on in the film than the process of shaping this quad fish...the moody music, the style in which it was filmed, really drew me in, & I found myself watching it many times over. Then on the website Swaylocks (shapers site), I saw one of the threads was Nathan's 'Making Noleni', & it was actually his personally tragic story of his & his wife's stillborn birth of their daughter, & the film was one of his ways in which to deal with the pain of his families loss. Now I was touched, saddened, but drawn yet further into his film. I urge you to check it out for yourself, though it's short, it's extremely powerful, especially after learning the story behind it. The Phoresia blog recently interviewed Nathan for his upcoming film 'Seaworthy', & links to his youtube site, as well as his personal site,, are there, great interview as well. On his youtube site is 'Making Noleni', & you should be able to search for the original thread at, it's inspiring, emotional, & yeah...makes you proud to be a surfer..

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